OBJECTIVE OF NEMESIS: Complete your personal objective, and survive to the end of the game. 

NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 1 to 5 players

MATERIALS FOR NEMESIS: Game boards, player sheets, cards, tokens, and markers (See extensive material list below)

TYPE OF GAME: Survival Board Game



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Nemesis Board Game | Sci-Fi Horror | Miniatures |...
  • SURVIVAL BOARD GAME: The crew wakes up from hibernation to find a critical...
  • STRATEGY GAME: Choose your character wisely because each one comes with a unique...
  • DETAILED MINIATURES: Game includes 26 high quality miniature figures and over...

Nemesis is a semi-cooperative survival game. This means each player has a personal objective that might lead them to do things that go against the whole group’s goal of survival. For instance, you might need to be the only survivor or need to make sure a specific character dies before the end of the game. 

To win Nemesis you will need to complete your objective and survive till the game ends. 


To set up, make sure that the playing map is out and laid on a flat surface.



  • Two sided game board, 1 intruder board
  • 6 character sheets
  • 11 “one” room tokens
  • 9 “two” room tokens
  • 1 scanner
  • 1 intruder bag
  • Dice (2 d6s and 2 d10s
  • 6 character miniatures, 6 larvae miniatures, 3 creeper miniatures, 8 adult intruder miniatures, 2 breeder miniatures, 1 Queen miniature
  • 5 card holders
  • 6 colored bases
  • 2 room sheets
  • 18 status markers, 50 ammo/injury markers, 30 noise markers, 8 fire markers, 12 door markers, 8 malfunction markers
  • 6 engine tokens
  • 2 five injuries tokens
  • 4 escape pods
  • 8 intruder eggs
  • 30 exploration tokens
  • 27 intruder tokens
  • 1 first player markers
  • 8 intruder carcasses tokens
  • 1 blue character corpse token
  • 5 red character corpse tokens
  • 1 airlock procedure token
  • 60 action cards
  • 8 intruder weaknesses
  • 18 objective cards
  • 102 item cards
  • 8 coordinates cards
  • 27 contamination cards
  • 20 intruder attack cards
  • 16 serious wound cards,20 event cards, 6 character starting item cards, 12 character quest item cards, 6 character draft cards, 5 help cards, 7 coop/solo objective cards, 10 intruder action cards.


  1. Place the game board on the basic side. 
  2. Shuffle room two tiles and place one randomly facedown on each “2” slot on the board. Put the remaining tiles back into the box.
  3. Follow the instructions above for room one tiles. 
  4. Shuffle exploration tiles and place one facedown in each room.
  5. Shuffle coordinates cards and place one face down next to the cockpit.
  6. Place one status marker on the “b” space of the destination track.
  7. Choose randomly the needed number of escape pods for your amount of players. 1 to 2 players use 2 escape pods. 3 to 4 players use 3 escape pods, and 5 player games use 4 escape pods. Start by placing them in numerical order alternating between sections A and B. They should all be placed with their locked side showing. 


  1. Take the “1” engine tiles. Shuffle them and place them face down on the Engine 1 section. Do the same for Engines 2 and 3.
  2. Set up the intruder board by placing it next to the game board. Next place the 5 egg tokens in their spot, shuffle the weaknesses deck, and place three random cards facedown on their section. 
  3. Place in the intruder bag these intruder tokens, 1 blank, 4 Larvae, 1 creeper, 1 Queen, and 3 adults. Then add an additional adult for each player playing the game. The remaining tokens are left next to the board, as well as the intruder carcasses. 
  4. Shuffle the following decks and place them next to the board. The 3 different colored item decks are the event deck, the intruder attack deck, the contamination deck, and the serious wound deck. Also, place the craft item deck next to the other item decks, and the scanner next to the contamination deck. 
  5. Keep the following list of items next to the board: Status markers, fire markers, noise markers, malfunction markers, ammo/injury markers, first player token, red character corpse tokens, door tokens, 2 combat dice, and 2 noise dice. 
  6. Place a status marker on the green space of the time tracker. 


  1. Take the number of help cards equal to the number of players, starting with help card 1. Shuffle the cards and deal each player a card randomly. The number each player gets determines their character and some of their objectives. 
  2. Each player takes their matching numbered plastic inventory holder. 
  3. Sort through and remove cards for any higher player count than your group from the corporate objective deck and the personal objective deck. Shuffle both decks and deal each player one hidden objective from each deck. 
  4. Next, shuffle the character draft cards, and starting with the player with help card 1, each player will draw two cards and choose one. The other is returned to the deck which is reshuffled for the next player to choose from. 
  5. Each player will then take their corresponding character board, miniature attached with a colored base ring, their character’s action card deck, the character’s starting weapon card and ammo tokens dictated by the card, and 2 quest markers. The action deck is shuffled and placed on the left side of their character board, and the right side is left empty for their discard. The starting weapon will need to be allocated to one of your hand slots. Finally, the two quests are set aside, and once completed place them closer to the board to show them as active. 
  6. Give player 1 the first player marker. 
  7. Place the blue corpse token into the Hibernatorium room.



Nemesis is played over a series of turns. Each turn has two phases, the player phase and the Event phase. When one turn ends another begins until the game’s end. The game will end when one of the conditions to end the game is met. 


During the player phase, players will draw cards, move the 1st player token, and finally take turns playing actions.


Each player at the start of their turn will draw cards for their character’s action deck to fill their hand. Each player should have a hand of 5 cards. If you need to draw a card and the action deck is empty, shuffle your discard to form a new action deck.


After players have drawn their cards the 1st player token is passed to the next player on the left. The token is not passed on the first turn of the game, however. Anytime a part of the game requires players to act in turn order, they will start with the 1st player and proceed clockwise from them. 


Players will take turns completing rounds of play. On a player’s round, they have three options. They may perform 2 actions, play 1 action and pass, or just pass. Once a player passes they will no longer participate in this round of play. Turn order goes clockwise from the first player and skips any player that has passed. Players will continue until all players have passed. When players choose to pass they may discard any number of cards from their hand.

To perform actions you must pay its cost. Each action will have a cost of either 0, 1, or 2. To pay the cost you must discard action cards from your hand. Remember that Contamination tokens are in your action deck, but are not action cards. They cannot be used to pay costs.

If an action has a small gun symbol on it, it can only be played during combat. When it has a crossed-out gun symbol then it can only be played out of combat. If the action does not have either it can be played during both. 


Characters all can use basic actions. These will be used to explore the ship, defend yourself, make items, and more. 


Movement costs 1 and allows a player to move their character into a neighboring room. 

Neighboring rooms are rooms connected by a corridor. 

Characters must be in rooms to perform actions. Intruders share this as they may only be in rooms as well. The corridors are just there to connect rooms, any movement through corridors is resolved once in the next room. 

After moving into a room, the following steps are taken.

  1. If the room has not been explored yet, reveal the room tile. Then reveal the exploration tile on the tile. 
  2. If you are alone in the room, perform a noise roll. Do not perform a noise roll if there is another player or intruder in the room. 

When trying to leave a room with an intruder use the escape rules below. 


Each exploration token has both a number of items to be found in the room and a special effect for the room. 

When revealing the room, adjust it so that the room token side with the correct number of items is facing the red arrow pointing to the room. Then you resolve the special effect given to the room. 

Silence means nothing happens. You will not perform a noise roll this move. However, if a character has a slime marker, they must resolve the special effect Danger. 

Danger means you do not roll a noise roll for this movement. Instead, any intruders in neighboring rooms that are not in combat are moved into this room. If no intruders exist in the neighboring rooms, then a noise marker is placed in every corridor connected to the room. This includes technical corridors. 

Slime means you will place a slime marker on your character board slot. 

Fire entails that a fire marker is placed in the room.

Malfunction means a malfunction marker is placed. 

Doors means you will place a door token in the corridor entrance to the room from which you entered. 

Once exploration is finished, the exploration token is returned to the game box. 


You only perform noise rolls in rooms with no other character or intruder. To complete a noise roll use the 6-sided die. A result of 1, 2, 3, or 4 means a noise marker is placed in the corresponding corridor. This includes technical corridors. If there is already a noise marker in the corridor, resolve an encounter instead. 

when you roll a Danger symbol, complete the Danger reaction above. 

If you roll a Silence symbol resolve the Silence reaction above.


Intruders will move at various points in the game. If something requires you to move an intruder it will be explained. When an intruder is moved into an unexplored room, leave the room tile face down as well as the exploration token. 

If you are instructed to place an adult intruder on the board but there are no more miniatures to comply with, remove all adult intruders not in combat and return their tokens to the bag. Finally, place an adult miniature into the room you were previously instructed to.


The technical corridor room entrances and special spaces are accessible by player characters unless they have the technical corridor action card or the technical corridor plans item. 

Door tokens cannot be placed in technical corridors. 

If an intruder enters into a technical corridor, all its injuries are removed and its token is placed back into the intruder map. Remove its miniature but do not remove any noise marker. 


Noise Markers are used to signify a noise roll has been made.

Slime Markers signify that a character is covered in slime. While slimed, a character treats all Silenced reactions as Danger reactions. You can only have one. You may remove the slime condition by using the clothes item card or the shower room tiles action. 

Fire Markers signify that the room is on fire. They deal damage to players and intruders and may cause the ship to explode. Characters will suffer 1 light wound for every round they end in that room. Once passed, they will receive no more wounds after this round. During the Event Phase, each intruder in a room with a fire marker takes one injury. If at any point the rules require you to place a fire token on the board and none are available, the ship explodes. If a room already has a fire marker it cannot receive a second. Discarded fire markers always go back to their pile. 

Malfunction Markers will block a room’s action. You may still search the room as normal, however. They may also ruin the ship’s integrity. Some cards may fix malfunctions. Malfunction Markers are always returned to their pile. They can never be placed in the Nest or the Room Covered in Slime. Malfunctions can be placed in the engine rooms but will not affect the engine’s status. They also disable special room abilities. This includes the Hibernatorium but does not affect characters who have already hibernated. If a room with a computer has a malfunction the computer is disabled as well. A room can only have one Malfunction marker. If you are asked to place a malfunction marker and there are none available the ship dies and the game ends. 


Door tokens are placed in corridors, but only one in each corridor can be placed. Noise markers are not affected by door tokens. Door tokens can be opened, closed, or destroyed. 

Closed doors are marked by a standing door token. They prevent players and intruders from moving through and also affect grenade throws. When an intruder attempts to move through a corridor with a door, the door is destroyed but does not move into the room. 

Destroyed doors are marked by a lying down token. The door cannot be closed. 

Open doors are marked by an empty corridor to open a door simply remove the door token. If you are instructed to place a door and there are no tokens available take any door token off the board to use. 

When multiple intruders move through a corridor with a door, all remain in the room and the door is destroyed. If an intruder is to be moved into a room blocked by a door it is moved anyway. The door remains. 


Careful Movement costs 2 actions but functions nearly the same as regular movement. Instead of a noise roll, however, a player chooses a connected corridor to the room they move into to put a noise marker. If all the corridors connected to the room have noise markers, careful movement is not possible. You cannot do careful movement in combat. 


Shooting costs 1 action to do and may only be chosen if the room has an intruder inside. 

You may only use the shoot option if you have a weapon with ammo in hand. Then you may complete an attack. 

  1. You will choose an intruder to attack and a weapon to use.
  2. You discard the ammo off the correct weapon card.
  3. Roll the 6-sided die for combat

If you get a blank face on the die, then you miss the intruder. If you get a single curl you may deal one injury, only if the intruder you targeted is a larva or creeper. With 2 curls if the targeted intruder is a larva, creeper, or adult, you may deal one injury. If the die has a single target on it you may deal 1 injury to the intruder, regardless of type, and if the die face has 2 targets, deal 2 injuries to the intruder.


An encounter happens when an intruder token is drawn from the bag and then placed in a room with a character. An intruder moving from one room to another with a character does not count as an encounter. Here are the steps for completing an encounter.

  1. Return all noise markers to their pile from all corridors that connect to the room. This includes technical corridors. 
  2. Take an intruder token from the bag. On an intruder token, you will find a numbered side and a side to indicate what miniature it relates to. 
  3. Place the correct miniature into the room. 
  4. Compare the number on the token to the number of cards held in the player’s hand. 

Place the token near the board for future use.

If the numbers are equal or the player has more cards then the number indicates nothing happens. When the number of cards in hand is lower, then the intruder takes a surprise attack.

If a blank token is drawn from the bag during step two, you will place noise counters in every connecting corridor. When the blank token is the final token in the bag, add adult intruder token. If there are none to add nothing happens. You then return the blank token to the bag and end the encounter. 

When a character enters a room with an intruder already in it, this does not trigger an encounter. Instead any time a character and intruder are found in a room together they are considered in combat. 


Combat happens immediately the moment an intruder and character are in a room together. Some actions can only be taken in combat, or cannot be taken at all during combat. During a player’s rounds, they may attack an intruder or attempt to escape. While in the event phase, intruders will attack characters. There are two choices for character combat, shoot or melee attack. 


Performing a movement action during combat allows a character to escape. All intruders in the room with the escaping character will resolve an intruder attack. If you survive the attack you move to the neighboring room of your choice. If it has not been explored, explore it, and if there is no other character or intruder in the room, complete a noise roll. When your character dies while trying to escape, your corpse will remain in the room you tried to escape from. 


When an intruder is injured, place the correct number of injury tokens onto their base. If it is an egg or larva, one injury is enough to kill. Remove their miniature from the board. If it is an adult or a creeper, a player must draw an intruder attack card. The only section that matters is the blood splatter section and its number. If this number is equal to or less than the number of injuries on the intruder it dies. If not it lives on. The same is done for the queen and breeder, except two cards are drawn and their number added together. 


If the intruder attack card drawn has an arrow on it, then the intruder retreats. To flee, draw an event card and move the intruder to the corridor that responds to the event card’s intruder movement number. Then discard the event. 


There are three times where an intruder can attack. They can have a surprise attack which happens when, as described above, an encounter occurs and the number on the intruder token is greater than the number of cards in the player’s hand. 

The second type of attack is the standard intruder attack that happens in the event phase. The third attack is when a character attempts to escape. 

Regardless of what type of attack is occurring, they all proceed the same. 

  1. The intruder decides who they are attacking. In a surprise attack, it is who began the encounter. In a character’s escape, it is the escaping character. For regular event attacks, if there is more than one character in the room, the player with the lowest hand count is attacked. If it’s a tie, then the player next in turn order is attacked. 
  2. An intruder attack card is drawn. If the intruder matches the symbol on the card then the effects on the card are resolved. If they do not match, the attack misses. 

Once the card is resolved it is discarded. If the intruder attack deck is empty, shuffle the discard to make a new deck. 


If the attacking intruder is a larva, no attack card is drawn. Instead, the miniature is placed on the character board of the character attacked, and they receive 1 contamination card. 


When a character receives a contamination, they will draw a card from the deck and add it to the top of their deck discard. Contamination cards cannot be used to pay for actions, they simply take up space in your deck. 

Each contamination card has a secret identifier that lets you know if you have been infected or not. It will need to be scanned for the player to know. If the card is not scanned then it can cause a player to lose at the end of the game. 


There are several ways to remove contamination cards from your deck, but they all require the player to scan the card first. Take the scanner and place the red screen over the hidden text. If it does not say infected you may remove the card(s) and move on. When any contamination card says infected you cannot remove it from your deck, you will also receive a larva miniature to place on your character board. If you already have one, then your character dies, and a creeper is placed in that room. 

If a rule states to remove a contamination card, remove it from the game to the box. 


Throughout the game, your character will be attacked and put into dangerous situations. These might result in wounds.


When a character suffers a light wound, they will take a light wound marker and place it on the top section of their board. If they receive another they move the marker to the lower section. After this, if a player suffers another light wound, then they will discard the marker and take a serious wound card. 


When a player takes a serious wound they will draw a serious wound card and place it on their board. The effect on the card will be applied to the character. If a character has the same effect on different cards, they do not stack. Once a character has three serious wounds, if they receive any wound, they will die. When a character dies, place a character’s corpse in the room, and drop any heavy objects the character was carrying. 


There are several ways to dress wounds and heal in the game. When dressing serious wounds, flip them over. They still count towards your three serious wounds, but the effect no longer applies. 

When healing, follow the text on the card/room. It will tell you to either remove the light wound token or discard a dressed serious wound. 


In the game, players can investigate the intruders in the laboratory to find their weaknesses. There will be three cards, each corresponding to an intruder egg, an intruder carcass, and a character corpse. If a player manages to move one of these heavy objects to the laboratory they may do research. This will flip the corresponding card and may change the rules in favor of the players. 


A Melee attack cost 1 action. Attack an intruder in the same room with you, with your hand or an improvised weapon.

  1. The player will add a contamination card to their action deck discard.
  2. Choose your intruder to attack.
  3. Roll the 6-sided combat die. 

On the blank side of the die, you miss and suffer 1 serious injury to your character. A single curl applies 1 injury to an intruder if it is a larva or a creeper. Otherwise, your character will take one serious injury. If two curls are rolled you will deal one injury if the intruder is a larva, creeper, or adult intruder. When not, then your character will suffer a serious injury. If you roll a single target or double targets, you deal 1 injury to the intruder regardless of its type. 


This option requires 1 action to perform. The character is allowed to pick up one heavy object. This does not need to be done for heavy items, only objects. This includes corpses, carcasses, and eggs. However, heavy items and heavy objects use the same slots. A character has two hand slots, these are always visible to the other players. You may carry two heavy items/objects, one in each hand. If you want to carry a new heavy item/object but already have two, then you must drop one hand’s possession. 


Any item that is not classified as a heavy item can be placed in your inventory. Heavy items must be carried in hand. While in your inventory, your items remain a secret to the other players. They will see a card’s color, but will not know exactly what it is. When using a card from your inventory, however, it has to be revealed. There is no limit to the number of cards you can have in your inventory. 


You may drop an item or object from your hand at any time, without using an action. If it’s an object it remains in the room. If it is an item, then it is lost and the card is discarded. 


It costs one action to trade. You can only trade with characters in the same room. You may trade with several players at once. Players may show items and objects they wish to trade. If a trade is agreed upon by both players, it resolves. A player may also trade for nothing in return. 


The blue item deck cannot be drawn from, but instead, other items can be used to craft the blue deck items. On your item cards, there will be blue symbols. If you use the craft action, which costs one action, and then discard two cards with the correct symbols, you can craft a blue item to take into your inventory. 


Each character has 10 different action cards in their deck that are somewhat unique. To play these cards, discard them face up, and then pay their cost. Then the action card’s effects take place. If there are two sections separated by an “or” on the card, one of them is picked by the character to complete. 

When in a room with items remaining a player may choose to search with their action card. When this occurs a player will draw from the deck that matches the color of the room, and reduce the item count of the room by one. Once it reaches 0, there are no more items to search for. If you search in a white room, you may choose to draw an item from the red, green, or yellow deck.


Some items have actions on them. They can be paid for and their effects resolved. 


Some room tiles have a specific action that can be performed when in this room. However these are usually unavailable when there is an intruder in the room, or a malfunction token is in the room. 


During the event phase, different timers and actions are taken by the ship and intruders. 


The time track will be moved up one space. When the self-destruction track is active also move its token one space to the right as well. 


All intruders will take their attack actions, as described above. 


Any intruder in a room that is on fire takes one injury. 


A player will draw one event card and resolve its effects on the game. 

  • On the event card, there will be an intruder symbol and a number. Move any intruder that matches that symbol, that is not in a room with a player character, to a room through a corridor matching the number on the card. If the number indicates a technical corridor, that intruder escapes. Remove its miniature from the board and return its token to the bag.
  • After finishing moving intruders, resolve the event card’s effects. Discard the card, unless told otherwise by the card. If the event deck is ever empty, shuffle the event discard to form a new deck. 


Next, a player will draw an intruder token from the bag. If it’s a larva, the token is removed from the bag and replaced with an adult token. When a creeper is drawn, remove the token and replace it with a breeder token. If an adult is drawn from the bag, have all characters that are not in a room with an intruder, make a noise roll. Then return the adult token to the bag.

When drawing a breeder token, resolve the same effect as an adult token, then return it to the bag. If you draw the queen token, and there is a character in the Nest room, place the queen miniature there and start an encounter. If there are no characters in the Nest room, or it has not been found yet, add one egg to the intruder board. Then return the queen to the bag. When the blank token is drawn, add an adult token to the bag. If there are none, nothing happens. Return the blank token to the bag. 


After all event phase effects are resolved, start a new turn.


Each player has a character objective they must complete to win. A player will need to complete the objective regardless of, and sometimes to the determinant, of other players. To win a player will not only need to fulfill their objective, but also survive. A player may survive in two ways. Either they hibernate on a surviving ship, heading to Earth (or Mars if their objective requires it), or they can use an escape pod to leave the ship. 


The game ends when one of the following conditions is met. 

The time track can reach the red spot on the track. This means the ship jumps into hyperspace. Any character who is not in hibernation will die. This does not kill intruders though. 

The self-destruction marker reaches the end, or a 9th fire or malfunction token needs to be placed. This causes all characters and intruders on board to die. 

The last non-hibernating character escapes, hibernates, or dies. This means if the self-destruction track is active, move it to the end space and resolve it as above. If not, then move the time track to the last space and jump into hyperspace. 


If any character survives, a victory check is made. 


The top tokens of each of the three engines are revealed. If 2 or more of the three engines are not working, the ship explodes and kills both characters and intruders on it. 


If when revealed the ship is not headed to Earth all hibernation characters die unless your objective was to head to Mars. This does not kill the intruders. 


Each alive character, whether hibernating or in an escape pod, must check their contamination cards. 

First, a character will scan all their contamination cards. If you have a larva miniature on your board you may skip this part. 

Then the player will shuffle their entire action deck and draw 4 cards. If there is a contamination card in these draws, the character dies. If not they live. 


Finally, any remaining alive characters reveal their objective cards. If they have been completed then the character wins!


There are a few different game modes that are possible in the Nemesis board game. Below are the differences in setup and play. 


It is possible to play this game solo. To do so the player will shuffle the solo objectives deck and draw two cards from it. When they start their first encounter they must choose one to complete. The number of items in rooms is halved from what they show on the exploration tokens. To win you will need to complete your objective and survive. 


There is a fully cooperative mode for those who do not want to experience the betrayal that is possible in the standard Nemesis game rules. There is a special objective deck to use for this mode, and each player will draw one objective from it. Winning requires that all objectives are completed and at least one character must live. 

If there is only one objective to send out a signal then only one player must complete that objective. If the objective is drawn by multiple players they must all complete it separately. 


In this mode, players can be revived from death. If a player dies, another player may carry their corpse to the emergency room. In this version on the player’s next turn, they may return their miniature to the room and continue playing. All the light wounds are discarded and all the heavy wounds are dressed. If there is an intruder or a malfunction in the emergency room, this action cannot be performed. 


This Nemesis game mode is optional. It allows the player who dies first to continue playing as the intruders. This makes the game harder for the remaining players. 


To set up the player will take all their previous character items and return them to the box. The player will then take and shuffle the intruder player deck and place it in front of themself. 

Finish the current player phase. The new intruder rules for the player will not start until the next player phase.


First, the intruder player will draw 3 action cards. The intruder may only have 4 cards in hand at most. The intruder will also never receive the 1st player marker, it will skip over the player. On the intruder’s round during the player phase, they may only play one action and pass. When an intruder passes they may keep 1 card in their hand and discard the rest. 

An intruder may move and attack on their turn. To move they will spend an action and the number on their action card decides which room, or technical corridors they move to. 

When attacking an intruder must be in the same room as a character. Attacking follows the above intruder rules, except the player will draw a number of attack cards equal to the number found on the Player intruder card, used this round. The intruder will choose one card and play it, resolving its effects, and placing the remaining cards not used onto the bottom of the deck they were drawn from. 


The only things that affect the intruder during the event phase are the time track and fire. Move the time track up as needed, and if an intruder is in a room with a fire marker they take one injury. 


The intruder player cannot win, but they can make sure all the other players lose with them. 


There is an additional side of the board, in the Nemesis board game, for a more difficult play experience. This side is harder to survive on and has a few changes to layout and setup. 

Big layout changes include two sets of technical corridors and pairs of corridors connecting rooms. 

When setting up place the two Evacuation sections marked A and B in their sections of the board. Then place an exploration token on each.


There are currently two Nemesis board game expansion. The first is titled Aftermath and is about an hour’s worth of gameplay following the main game. It’s an epilogue to the original game meant to show the players sometime after the incident. 

The other is called Lockdown and is a second adventure meant to play with the same rules of traditional Nemesis as well as add on to them. 

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