OBJECTIVE OF BOERENBRIDGE: The objective of the game is to score exactly 100 points.
MATERIALS: A standard 52-card deck, a way to keep score, and a flat surface.
TYPE OF GAME: Trick-Taking Card Game
Boerenbridge is a trick-taking game for 4 players. The goal of the game is to bid the exact number of tricks you will take each round to score points.
When scoring players are aiming to get exactly 100 points. If your score over 100 points the excess points are subtracted from your score. You can only win by getting exactly 100 points at the end of a round.
To determine the initial dealer, have each player draw a card from the deck, the player with the highest-ranking card deals first. The deal passes clockwise.
After, the cards are shuffled, and dealt to each player one at a time 13 cards each. The full deck is dealt each round. There is no trump suit.
The ranking is traditional Ace (high), King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2 (low).
Bidding occurs before the tricks begin.
It is done simultaneously. Each player bids a number which indicates the number of tricks they predicate they will take with that hand. All players must bid; however, players may bid zero. If a player bids zero, they plan to take zero tricks. There is a hook, the dealer is not allowed to bid the number that would cause the total amount of tricks bid to be equal to the number of total tricks available. A hand shall always be and over or under bid. The dealer can change their bid until the first card is played.
If you have a score of 80 or more points you do not participate in the bidding round. You will only score for tricks won.
The game begins with the player directly to the dealer’s left, this player leads the initial suit. This can be any suit, including the trump suit. Play passes clockwise. Each player must play a card. If they can, they must follow the suit, if they cannot, they can play any card including trump. If there is no trump card played, the highest value card of the leading suit wins the trick. The winner of a trick leads the next one. This continues until all tricks have been played, then the next hand is dealt until all hands have been dealt and all tricks won.
A player or a third party is designated as scorekeeper prior to the start of the deal.
Each player gets 1 point per trick won. If you made your bid and won exactly the number you bid you get an additional 10 points.
When a player successful bid and won 0 tricks they score 20 points.
When your score is over 80 points you do not bid but still score 1 point per trick won.
If you score enough points to raise your score above 100 points any points exceeding 100 are subtracted from your score.
The game ends when a player scores exactly 100 points. This player is the winner.
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