This page is part of a series of pages that classifies games by their objective and does not give any specific rules to any games. Please check out the rest of our site for more in-depth pages on gaming rules.
Combination games are defined as games that revolve around players making combinations of cards to complete a goal. This is usually done by adding values of cards or forming matches of cards.
These types of games are played by adding up the values of cards to get a specific total. These games are usually categorized under addition games, banking games or vying games but also can be found in some combat games as well.
These types of games rely on players forming matching sets of cards. This usually involves collecting similarly ranked or sequences of cards to gain points. These games tend to be rummy games, but this objective is also found in some trick-taking games.
There are also a few quartet games and card passing games that rely on this condition to win.
All vying games have some kind of card combination in them and banking games can also rely on matching instead of addition in some cases.
In partition games, players’ hands are separated into combinations and while this isn’t exactly matching, these separated combinations are used to win the games.