OBJECT OF JUSE: The object of Juse is to be the first player to empty their pool of cards first.
NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 4 to 7 players
MATERIALS: A standard 52 card deck, and a flat surface
TYPE OF GAME: Patience Card Game
Juse is a patience card game for 3 to 7 players. It is a competitive patience game which is uncommon for this type of game. The goal of the game is to empty your pool of cards before any other player. Players achieve this by following guidelines for playing and discarding cards until they have played all their cards.
A dealer will shuffle the cards and deal out the cards one at a time to each player clockwise till there is a single card that remains undealt. This may have some players with one additional card than others. Players may not look at their dealt hands, but instead, form them into a face-down pile for them to draw from during gameplay.
The last remaining undealt card is revealed and placed in the center of the play area. This will start the foundations players will play to.
Card Ranking
The card ranking is continuous, meaning there is no higher or low, just a start and an end. The ranking is Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King. But because it is continuous you can start from anywhere to find the ranking.
This means if the starting foundations card is the 3 of spades the ranking for that particular game is 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace, 2.
The game begins with the player to the dealer’s left and proceeds clockwise. On a player’s turn, they will draw the top card of the draw pile (unless they have to draw from discard, check below for more information) and try to play it. You can play a card to start a new foundation if it matches the rank of the starting card, you can play it to an already started foundation if it is of the same suit and next in rank, or you can play it onto another player’s discard pile if it is the next rank above the card that is on top of their discard pile. In this case, it does not need to match the suit. If multiple options exist, you must always play to the center foundations first. You may continue to play cards until no longer able to play the card drawn. If not able to play anywhere else, you will play your card to your discard and end your turn.
If the top card of your discard pile can be played to the foundations, you must play it first before drawing from your draw pile.
If you can play the last card of your draw pile you then play any cards from your discard pile that can be played to the table. The remaining discard pile is flipped and becomes your new draw pile to play from.
If you are not able to play the last card in your draw pile you discard it to your discard pile, and next turn you play any cards you can from your discard pile and make it your new draw pile.
When you have played all your cards from both your discard and draw pile and hold no more cards in your pool you have won the game.
There are penalties for players who misplay during the game. A misplay can be playing cards out of ranking order, playing to discard when there was a play to the foundations, or drawing from the draw pile when you could have played the top card of your discard. All of these are examples of misplays and all get the same penalty.
When a player is penalized, each other player gives that player the bottom card of their draw deck and it must be added to the offending players draw deck. If a player does not have a draw deck to give from, they may pull the bottom card of their discard to give the offending player.
The game ends when a player successfully empties their entire pool of cards. this player is the winner.
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