OBJECTIVE OF LETTER SLIDE: Quickly fill your blanks on the word cards with the correct letter tiles to form correct words before the timer runs out then place your letter tiles on the appropriate spaces on your player board.
NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 2 to 4 Players
COMPONENTS: A deck of 87 cards, 4 game boards, a one-minute timer, 200 letter tiles, a storage bag and a rule sheet.
TYPE OF GAME: Tile laying Board Game
AUDIENCE: Ages 7 and Up
Players are racing against the timer and each other to form correct four letter words from cue cards displayed on the play area using letter tiles so they can quickly fill their game boards and win the game.

Give every player a game board.
Shuffle all the cue cards and place them face down on the table.
Pour out the letter tiles on the table and spread them out, making sure none overlap each other and they are easily accessible to all players. This will be the tile pool
Place the timer in the center of the tile pool where all can see.
A player flips the first card on top of the deck and places it on the table ensuring that all the players can see it.
The timer is flipped and every player gets to work completing the four-letter words using the letter tiles. Players form as many words as possible before the timer runs out using the cues given on the particular card in play per round.
Players can grab as many tiles as they would need to form the words.

Each word card contains two letters and two blanks to form a four-letter word. Some cards have the first two letters missing while others have the last two missing. Possible words from the letter cards below are seen, burp, mode, bent, gait, darn.

When the timer runs out, the words are checked to ensure they are valid words and are spelled correctly.
For every word spelled correctly, players choose one tile and place it on the appropriate space on their player board while the other tile is returned to the pool. If there is no available space for that particular letter, then both tiles are returned to the tile pool.
Where a word is wrongly spelled, both tiles are returned to the tile pool.
The creation of non-existing new words is not permitted.
The player with the most correctly spelled word for every round flips the next card signaling the start of a new round.
Two options abound here
- Remove the use of the timer to encourage younger players who are just learning four letter words formation. This takes away the pressure that comes with time consciousness.
- Separate the cards into two different decks, one with first two letters missing and the other with the last two letters missing. For kids learning to sound out words, play the game using the deck with the first two letters given.
For both options, give them the opportunity to put both their letter tiles on their boards if the space is available.
The first player to cover all the spaces provided on their board with letter tiles wins the game.
Once a player board is completely filled with tiles, the game ends.