OBJECTIVE OF ONE WALL PADDLEBALL: Hit the ball against the wall before it bounces twice.
NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 2-4 players
MATERIALS: 1 paddle per player, 1 paddleball ball
There’s no shortage of racket sports nowadays, and one wall paddleball is one such sport that has gained a lot of popularity in recent years. This game can be played as singles (2 people) or doubles (4 people) and involves hitting the ball against the wall before the ball bounces twice.

One wall paddleboard is usually played outdoors on a court 20 feet wide and 34 feet long. On the end of the court is the 16-foot tall wall. 16 feet from the wall is the short line, and the long line is 34 feet away. The service line is 9 feet behind the short line of the court. Finally, the sidelines mark the two sides of the court.
One wall paddleball is played by two teams, either as singles or as doubles. A coin toss determines which team gets to serve first.
For a serve to be legal, the server must bounce the ball and then hit it against the wall from the serving zone, which is between the short line and the service line. Then, the ball should bounce off the wall back into the service area, which is between the short and long lines.
In singles, the first player serves the ball until the server loses. The server then gets a second try. After the second loss, the serve is passed onto the opposing player.
In doubles, the first player serves the ball and continues to serve until the team loses. Then, the second player of the first team serves the ball until the team loses. Then the serve is passed onto the opposing team.

After a legal serve, the receiving team must return the ball to the serving team. The teams alternate hitting the ball.
To hit the ball back legally, the player must return the ball by hitting it to the wall before the ball bounces twice.
In doubles, there is no order to hitting the ball. When it is the team’s turn to hit the ball, either of the players may hit the ball.
Only the serving team can score points. A point is scored every time the serving team manages to legally hit the ball to the wall. So, after the serve, each legal hit afterward during a rally is a point to the serving team. The serving team continues to score until they lose.
Any of the following can result in an “out.” An “out” constitutes losing the serve or the opposing team receiving a point.
- A player purposefully hitting the opponent with the ball.
- A player losing their own paddle.
- A Player illegally touches the ball during a rally.
- A player misses the ball while serving.
- The ball bounces off the floor before it hits the wall,
- The ball goes off the sidelines or past the long line.
The game ends when one of the teams manages to score the required amount of points. This is normally 15, 21, or 25 points. The game must also be won by a 2-point margin. If at a tie, the game continues until one team wins by two points.
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