OBJECTIVE OF POKER BULL: The objective of Poker Bull is to be the last player remaining.
NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 5 to 8 Players
MATERIALS: A standard 52-card deck, a way to keep score, and a flat surface.
TYPE OF GAME: Bluffing Poker Card Game
Poker Bull is a bluffing, poker card game for 5 to 8 players. The object of the game is to be the last player remaining.
Players will bluff about their poker hands, and being caught too many times results in elimination.
The first dealer will be random. The dealer will shuffle the deck and allow the player to their right to cut the deck.
The dealer will then deal to each player a hand of a single card.
In future rounds, the dealer will be the player who lost the previous rounds. They will deal to each player 1 card plus a number of cards equal to the number of rounds that player has lost. There is a maximum hand size of 5 cards. For example, if Player 2 has lost 3 rounds they are dealt 4 cards.
Once a player receives a hand of 5 cards and loses a round they are eliminated from the game.
Card Rankings and Calls
Cards are ranked traditionally. Ace (high), King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2 (low).
Players will be making calls in this game. Calls are bets players make that amongst all the cards dealt to all players that the specific call can be made.
The calls are ranked in order. One card (low), one pair, two pairs, three of a kind, full house, four of a kind, and straight flush (high).
When calling one card you say one and the rank of a card. An example would be one queen.
Making a call of one pair requires you to say two and the rank of a card. An example would be two 5s.
When making a call of two pairs you will make the same proclamation as with one pair but twice. An example would be two 7s and two 3s.
To make a call of three of a kind, you must declare the rank of the triplet. An example would be three 4s.
To declare a full house, you will name two ranks, the first rank declared will be the majority. An example would be Kings full of 7s.
When calling a four of a kind you name four and the rank of card you think will have four in play. An example would be four aces.
Finally, when calling a straight flush, you will call the high card of the flush. To be valid five cards in ranked order ending with the high card called must all be amongst the cards dealt. An example would be a straight flush to the queen of spades.
The gameplay consists of two sections. There is the calling, and the challenging.
Starting with the dealer of the round they will make a call on their turn. A call is a declaration of one of the types above that can be possible between all the cards dealt to all the players for the round. A player does not have to believe it or think it possible, and it does not matter if the call is true, as long as they are not challenged. Continuing clockwise from them the next player must make a higher ranked call. This can be a call of the same type just of a higher rank or a higher-ranked call.
Instead of making a call on their turn, a player may instead choose to challenge. If challenging a player claims that the last made call is false.
After a challenge is called all players reveal their hands. If the last call can be made then the challenger loses, if it cannot then the caller loses. If the loser did not have a hand of 5 cards, they become the new dealer and the play continues. If the loser did have a hand of 5 cards, the player to their left becomes the new dealer and they are eliminated from the game.
The game ends once a single player remains. They are the winner.
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