OBJECTIVE: The player with the most frogs of their color face up wins
NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 2 – 4 players
MATERIALS: 36 square tiles, 4 round frog tokens, 1 game board, 1 rulebook
TYPE OF GAME: Tile placement game

Flipover Frog is an incredibly simple yet addictive tile laying game akin to Othello. Much like Othello, this game is easy to learn but hard to master. At the beginning of the game, each player is assigned a secret frog color. During play, frog tiles are played to the grid, and surrounding frog tiles will be flipped over. Snakes can be used to remove frog tiles from the board. Whoever has the most tiles on the board that match their frog color at the end of the game is the winner.

From the box, you get thirty six square tiles that feature a variety of frogs and snakes. There are four round frog tokens. The game board unfolds to reveal a four by four rainforest themed grid. A rulebook is also included.

Place the rainforest board in the center of the table. Take the four round frog tokens, shuffle them up, and give each player one. Players look at the token they were given, but they do not let their opponents know which color they have. The player who has the most tokens of their color on the board at the end of the game wins.
Shuffle all of the square tiles together and form a face down stack. Each player takes three tiles and keeps them secret. Whoever is wearing the brightest colored clothing goes first.
On your turn, you will complete three steps: play a tile, resolve the tile’s effect, and draw a new tile from the stack.
Frog tiles and snake tiles do different things. A frog tile may be played on any open space OR any space with a tile that has been turned down. If a tile is turned down, a leaf will be showing. Do not play frogs on other face up frog tiles. After playing a frog, resolve the action by flipping over any adjacent tiles that have arrows pointing at them. Each frog tile has four arrows that either point orthogonally or diagonally. Sometimes a stack of tiles might need to be flipped. Do so as a group without separating the tiles.
Snake tiles can only be played on top of a frog tile. The face up frog and the snake are removed from the board. Playing a snake on top of a stack only removes the top tile.
Continue taking turns until all of the tiles are played or the board is full. Either one ends the game immediately.
Players reveal the round frog token they were given at the beginning of the game. The player with the most frogs on the board that match their given color wins the game.
- TRIPLE SNAKES - February 15, 2021