OBJECTIVE OF MUMMY MATH: Players work to be the first to fill their triangular game boards with correct number sentences. 

NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 2 to 4 Players 

COMPONENTS: 4 player boards, 55 gold-colored number triangles, 26 orange-colored answer triangles, 24 double-sided yellow-colored addition and subtraction operation triangles, 1 spinner, and a rulebook. 

TYPE OF GAME: Educational (Mathematics) Board Game 

AUDIENCE: Ages 8 and Up 


Put your knowledge of basic arithmetic (addition and subtraction) to good use and arrange numbers and operational triangles correctly to correspond with the answer triangles. It’s a good workout for the brain. 


Arrange all the gold and orange number triangles face down so none of the numbers show. Divide the operational triangles into equal piles of four so each player has one. 

Each player then randomly chooses 5 gold number triangles and 1 orange answer triangle. 


The youngest amongst the players takes the first turn.  

They pick up the spinner and spin it. The spinner is divided into six sections  

  1. Draw a number (appears 2ce) 
  1. Steal a number (appears 2ce) 
  1. Trade a number (appears 1ce) 
  1. No new number ( appears 1ce) 

From the above sections, four possible outcomes are available to a player from spinning the spinner. 

If the dial lands on Draw a number, the player takes one gold triangle from the center pile. 

If it lands on Steal a number, the player takes one gold triangle from another player of his choice. 

If it lands on Trade a number, the player has the option of swapping a number triangle with another player’s number triangle. The privilege to choose which number to trade rests on the current player. 

If it lands on No new number, the player is restricted to just the playing pieces in front of them 

Once the player has spun the spinner, they then place their orange answer triangle at the top of the pyramid on their mat in the space provided for it and proceed to create accurate number sentences that are equivalent to the answer triangle. They will attempt to fill as many rows/tiers as possible. They will then read out their number sentence and then pick up another number triangle from the center pile to complete their turn. 

They do not have to exhaust their numbers tiles to complete a turn and they may not have even utilized any tile if the tiles cannot make up any number sentence equivalent to their answer tile. 

Operational triangles can be used as many times as is possible and can be placed in any order as far as the correct answer is achieved. 

E.g if the answer triangle bears 10, the number sentence can be written as 8+4-2, 8+2+2-2 or simply 8+2, depending on what tier of the pyramid the player is on. 

If a player has a piece stolen from any of their rows, they have to rearrange it to reflect the answer by replacing the number stolen or switching the placement with one or more new numbers. If unfortunately the equation cannot be remedied, the whole line would have to be removed. 

To be able to do the above step, a player forgoes their turn at the spinner but will still have the opportunity to pick a number tile from the center pile. 

Once a tile is picked, the turn goes to the next player. 


The first player to place correct equations on all the rows of his pyramid earns 50 points. All the other players then earn 5 points each for every number triangle in a correctly completed row. 


The game ends once a player correctly completes their game boards or alternatively, the players can pre-decide how many rounds to play and what the target number of points should be. 

Bassey Onwuanaku
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