OBJECTIVE OF CLUE SUSPECT CARD GAME: Be the first player to solve the crime
NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 2 – 4 players
CONTENTS: 2 decks of cards, 1 confidential envelope, 1 instruction book
TYPE OF GAME: Deduction
AUDIENCE: Ages 8 and up
Clue Suspect Card game is the Clue board game played with a deck of cards. It removes the dice roll and movement that slows down the experience, and it gets right to the fun part. Players are dealt a hand of evidence cards and a layout of case file cards. Each turn, players are allowed to ask questions of each other in order to solve the crime. The first player to correctly solve the crime wins!

The CLUE deck includes four sets of Case File cards. Each player is given a set, and any remaining sets are removed from the game. Players organize the Case File cards according to type, and they are kept face down. Each player’s set is marked with a special symbol in the bottom right corner. Players should not allow their opponents to see the case file cards. Everyone begins the game with the same set of cards, and they will be removed as players dig deeper into the case. The cards with the plus symbol in the bottom left corner are for the advanced game. They are removed for the basic game.

There are three types of Evidence Cards. Separate these cards into three piles: suspects, weapons, and locations. Shuffle each pile separately and then take one card at random from each. Place those cards inside the envelope marked CONFIDENTIAL. No one should look at these cards.

Now, shuffle all of the remaining Evidence Cards together and deal them out evenly face down. Any remaining cards are placed face up in the center of the table.

At this point, players can remove any Case File cards from their layout that match the cards in their hand or on the table. Do this without letting your opponents see which cards are being removed. Each player has their own discard pile for Case File cards.
Remember, players should keep all of their cards a secret.
During a player’s turn, they are working to determine who committed the crime, what weapon they used, and in which room the crime occurred. Players have two options on their turn: Ask a question, or make an accusation.
The first player (typically the oldest person) asks the player on their left a question about any two items. They may be two items of the same type or two different types. For example, the player may ask, Plum and the Living Room. Can you help me?
The player who has been asked looks at their hand of cards. If they have one or both of the cards, they choose one to show the player asking. Do not let anyone else see the card. If they do not have either card, they say no I cannot help you. In this case, the player taking their turn moves left and asks the next player.
Once the player asking has seen an Evidence Card, they can remove that card from their case file layout. Remember to do this secretly, so other players cannot see it. If the player gets all the way around the table without seeing the card, they know it is in the CONFIDENTIAL envelope.
At the beginning of a player’s turn, they may say that they are ready to accuse. To do this, lay three Evidence Cards (one for each category) face down in front of you. There must be a person, weapon, and location in the accusation. Ask if any other player wants to make an accusation as well. Any other player ready to do so also builds a pile of three cards for their accusation.
If only one player is making an accusation, they look in the CONFIDENTIAL envelope to see if they are right. If they are, they show everyone the cards and win. If the player is wrong, they lose and the remaining players continue playing.
If more than one person wishes to make an accusation, they all must build their accusation pile of three cards. All players flip their accusation cards over at the same time. In order of who decided to accuse, each player will check the envelope until the first player matches it. That player is the winner. If none of the players accused correctly, the game ends with everyone losing.
In a 2 player game, when one player is ready to make an accusation, the opposite player must do so as well. If neither player is right, the game ends with the criminal getting away!
The first player to correctly discover the murderer, the weapon, and the room is the winner.
- TRIPLE SNAKES - February 15, 2021