OBJECT OF MY SHIP SAILS: The object of My Ship Sails is to collect 7 cards of the same suit and be the first person to do so.
NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 4 to 7 players
MATERIALS: A standard 52-card deck, and a flat surface.
TYPE OF GAME: Children’s Accumulating and Shedding Card Game
AUDIENCE: Children
My Ship Sails is a children’s accumulating and shedding card game. It can be played with 4 to 7 players. The goal of the game is to acquire a full hand of 7 cards, all of the same suit. Then you must declare it. The first player to do so successfully wins the game.
A player is randomly assigned to be the dealer. This player will shuffle the deck and deal each player 7 cards each. The remaining deck is placed facedown near them.
Card Ranking
There is no ranking of cards used in the game. The only thing viewed is if a card is of the same suit, regardless of rank.
There may be, however, a need for ranking when determining a winner. In this case, a traditional rank of Ace (high), King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2 (low) is used.
Once all players have received their cards the game begins with the dealer. Players will take a card and pass to the left of them. A player will then draw the card passed from their right and add it to their hand. this process is repeated over and over till a player gets a winning hand.
The dealer always draws from the stock, and the last player to the right of the dealer always discards into a discard pile. If the stock is emptied before the game is over the discard pile is shuffled and made into the new stock.
When a player has a hand of 7 cards all of the same suit, they will declare it.
The game ends when a player calls their hand and can successfully prove they are correct. If multiple people call within the same round the player who has the highest ranked card wins the game.
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