OBJECTIVE OF PANDORA’S BOX: The objective of Pandora’s Box is to be the player with the lowest score when the game comes to an end.
NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 2 to 5 Players
MATERIALS: 56 God Cards, 8 Lock and Key Cards, 5 Curse Cards, 1 Wreath Bonus Card, Retail Box, and Game Instructions
TYPE OF GAME: Party Card Game
AUDIENCE: Ages 8 and Up
Game night on Mount Olympus is always a trip! Pandora’s Box is known to cause laughter, fun times, and chaos all at once when it is opened! Be prepared, be ruthless, and play like the gods!
Expansion packs are available to allow for extended gameplay and more players.
One player will shuffle the deck and deal eight cards to each player. The players will then orient their cards into four columns consisting of two cards each. All cards should be placed face down. The rest of the deck is placed in the middle of the playing area, creating Mount Olympus, where cards can be drawn from. Beside Mount Olympus, the River Styx is found. This is where all cards will be discarded.
The game is ready to begin.
During the first round, each player will reveal two cards that are in their columns. If those two cards are God cards, then the player may draw a card from Mount Olympus or from an opponent’s discard pile. If one, or both, of the cards is a lock and key card or a curse card, the player must follow the rules found on those cards. Their turn comes to an end.
During other turns, each of the players will draw a card from Mount Olympus or an opponent’s discard pile. They may play the card onto their board, or they may discard it. Lock and key and curse cards require the players to follow the rules found on them each time a face down one is revealed.
The game continues in this manner until a player has completed all of their columns. Each player gets one additional turn before the game comes to an end. After the last round, players will reveal all of their cards. Curse cards may restart the game, even if it has ended.
Card Types
God Cards- The gods do not play nice. These cards will squire you points or allow you to cancel them out. Point values are found on the corners.
Curse Cards- Curse cards mean there is pandemonium to pay. If a player is hit with one, they must do one of the three following things: discard the curse along with any lock and key cards that it affects, flip all of their cards to make them face down and shuffle them, or reset all of their columns and start over.
Lock and Key Cards- These cards lock one of your opponent’s face cards into place.
If both cards in a column consist of the same God, then those points cancel out. If the column does not have matching cards, then the player will have to add those points to their total. If the player has two to four of the columns that have the same gods, then the player earns a Midas Touch bonus.
The player who went out first receives the Laurel Wreath bonus. Bonus points are considered negative points.
The game comes to an end when one player completes all four columns on their board. Players will then tally their points. The player with the least amount of points wins the game.
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