OBJECTIVE OF PLUNDER: The objective of Plunder is to be the first player to collect ten Plunder Points.
NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 2 to 6 Players
MATERIALS: 6 Board Tiles, 10 Grid Borders, 4 Grid Corners, 2 Compass Spinners, 150 Resource Cards, 56 Plunder Point Cards, 55 Treasure Cards, 18 Ships, 36 Flags, 6 Reference Guides, 18 Mast Pegs, 18 Cannon Pegs, 36 Life Pegs, 1 Storm, 4 Marker Tokens, 1 Attack Die, 1 Defense Die, and 1 Sailing Die
TYPE OF GAME: Area control Board Game
AUDIENCE: Ages 10 and Up
Throughout Plunder, players act as pirates, overtaking the rough sea and other opponents. Only the strongest swashbucklers are able to survive. Players can overtake islands and gain valuable resources from the land. It’s time to unleash your inner pirate and conquer the sea!
To begin setup, arrange the tiles into a two by three area in the middle of the table. This should be done randomly in order to create a unique map to play on. The alphanumeric grid is then placed beside the map, creating a border. The compass spinners can be placed beside the board.
A stack of each type of resource card is created, with each consisting of ten cards. They are placed beside the board face up. The rest of the resource cards can then be shuffled and placed face down beside the board, creating the drawing stack. The same thing is done with the treasure cards, they are all shuffled and placed face down beside the board. Finally, the plunder point cards are stacked beside the resource cards.
Each player will collect one ship to begin their fleet. The players will choose a ship and flags to represent them throughout the game. The players may refer to the reference guide as the game continues if they wish. The compasses will provide the coordinates for the location of the marker tokens. There will be three of them, and the location is determined by spinning the compasses.
The placement of the storm is also determined by spinning the compasses. The center will be placed on the coordinate given by the compasses, as long as it does not cover a part of one-skull island. The players will choose which island they want to start from, with the first player choosing rolling the highest of the die and going down. They will then draw three resource cards from the face down deck.
The last player that chose an island will be the first player to begin their turn. The game is then ready to begin.
The players will begin their turn by drawing a resource card from the stack that is facing down, drawing one card for each island that they have ownership of. Players are allowed to build anytime during their turn, and there is no limit to how much they can build during their turn.
The player will then roll the sailing die, moving their ships depending on the die. The players will have various interactions that take place as they move their ship across the map. Some of these interactions may include conducting trade, hunting for treasure, battling an enemy, or attacking an island. The players may continue their turn after an interaction has ceased. The players should still ensure that they move the full length that was determined by their roll.
A player’s turn will come to an end if a treasure card states it, if their final ship sinks, or if they have finished all of their actions of their turn. At this point, the turn will continue clockwise around the group in the same fashion.
The game comes to an end whenever a player acquires ten Plunder Points. This player is then declared the winner.
- 35 BABY SHOWER GAMES - September 3, 2022