OBJECT OF POLIGNAC: The object of Polignac is to be the player with the lowest score at the end of the game.
NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 4 to 6 players
MATERIALS: A modified deck of 52-cards, a way to keeps score, and a flat surface.
TYPE OF GAME: Trick-Taking Card Game
AUDIENCE: Teens, Adults
Polignac is a trick-taking game for 4 to 6 players. The goal of the game is to score the fewest points by the end of the game.
Before the game begins, players should determine how many rounds they will play, and at the end of this number of rounds, a winner will be determined.
To not score points players are attempting to not win jacks, as this scores you points.
First, the deck will need to be modified for the number of players. In a 4 player game, all cards 6 and lower are removed and in 5 and 6 player games, the black 7s are removed as well.
The first dealer is chosen at random and passes to the left for each new round. The deck will be shuffled, and completely dealt out so all players receive the same number of cards in hand. Cards are dealt clockwise one card at a time.
Card Ranking and Values
The ranking for Polignac is traditional. It is Ace (high), King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, and 7 (low).
In this game Jacks are the only cards that score points but remember the goal of the game is to have the lowest score. The jack of hearts is worth 1 point. The jack of diamonds is worth 1 point. The jack of clubs is worth 1 point, and the jack of spades is worth 2 points.
The game starts with the player left of the dealer. They may lead any card and the following players must follow suit if able. If not able to follow suit you may play any card. The trick is won by the player who plays the highest card of the suit originally led. The winner of the trick takes it into their score pile and leads the next trick.
There are two types of penalties that may happen. These include revokes and calls.
If a player plays a card out of suit to a trick when he could have followed suit this can cause a revoke. If it is corrected before the trick is revealed. Once it’s revealed but before the next trick is played another player may call for a revoke. If called the offending player loses 3 points.
If a player ever reveals a card out of normal play, then that card is played faceup in front of them. At any point, another player may call for the offender to play it to a trick in which it is a legal play for the player to do so.
There is a special play that can be called at the start of the round before the first tick is lead. A player can ann0uce they wish to take a General. This means they will attempt to win all the tricks of the round. if they are successful, each other player will score 5 points. if the player doesn’t succeed though, they will score 5 points and all jacks are scored normally.
After the round is over players will score their jacks, or score for the General if called. Scores are kept cumulatively and over several rounds. Once the game ends after the final round si played scores will be compared.
The game ends after the agreed-upon number of rounds have been played. The player with the lowest score wins the game.
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