OBJECTIVE OF SATTE PE SATTA: The objective is to get rid of all your cards before any other player.
NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 3-8 players
NUMBER OF CARDS: A standard 52-card deck
Initially, you need to select one person who will act as the dealer for that particular round and distribute a deck of 52 cards, face-down and one at a time to each player going clockwise.
Every player should arrange their hand in order of suits (heart, club, spade and diamond) and in numerical order like: 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-J-Q-K-A.
- The player who has a seven of hearts begins the game by laying it down on the table. The seven of every suit begins a “sequence” when laid down on the table, which is continued by laying cards down one by one next to the seven in sequential order by each player clockwise.
While continuing the game, the only way the sequence of suit can be started is by laying the seven of that suit on the table.
- Moving on clockwise, every player takes their turn and plays down one card on the table, but the card they play has to be the next card in order to the cards already played on the table or it can be the seven of a new suit. For example, the next cards played after seven will either be the six or eight in that suit.
Going in order from seven means that you will only play cards that descend to the card of that suit increasing to Ace or decreasing to 2.
You can only play the cards which belong to the same suit. If 10 of spade is on table, you can only play J of spade next to it, not a J of heart.
- You may pass if you don’t have any cards that are playable (neither sequence of suit on table nor any seven of other suit). You can say “pass” to pass the turn to the next player in the sequence.
- The game continues until any player finishes cards in his hands.
The person who finishes the cards first is the winner and the number of cards remaining with each player is noted down and ranking of other players is done according to the number on the remaining cards of the other players.
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