OBJECTIVE OF SHOT PUT: Throw a metal ball of 4 to 7 kg as far as possible.


MATERIALS: Proper uniform including tights and singlet, shot put carrier, shot puts, shot put shoes, tape measure




Athletes participate in the shot put, an athletic field event, by hurling (putting) a large, spherical metal ball called a shot, as far as they can. The throwing motion often referred to as the “put,” begins with a quick spin to build momentum before propelling the shot out with just one arm. This sport demonstrates both strength and accuracy.


The shot put setup is comprised of a throwing circle, a stop board, and a landing area. The throwing circle is 7 feet in diameter. The tip of a triangle starts in the middle of the throwing circle and extends outwards, creating the 82-foot-long landing area. The stop board is approximately 4 inches tall and is placed at the edge of the throwing circle, between the circle and the landing area.

The shot weighs around 7.26 kg for men and 4 kg for women.


Players must put the shot from within the throwing circle. The players cannot use the stop board’s perimeter or outer region. But during the put, limbs may extend outside of the circle.

To put the shot, the athlete must position the shot close to their neck (the shot must remain in this position until the athlete throws it), lift it, and then launch it without pausing. The athlete must launch the shot with just one hand above shoulder height. And although gloves are absolutely not permitted, players may tape their fingers for safety.

Athletes get three tries to throw the shot as far as possible within the landing area. After the three tries, the top eight athletes are allowed to shoot another three shots. However, if a competition has fewer than eight competitors, each athlete is allowed six throws.

When an athlete’s name is called, they have 60 seconds to start.


The distance is measured in centimeters using a tape measure. To do so, find the mark where the shot first landed. The shot can only be measured if the shot landed completely within the landing area. Even if a small portion of the shot lands outside the area, the shot is not scored. The zero of the tape measure must be placed where the shot landed. Then, the tape measure is stretched out to the middle of the throwing circle. Ensure the tape measure is straight, with no twists. Finally, the distance is measured from the zero to the circle side of the stop board.

The distance is rounded down to the nearest inch (or centimeter).


An athlete has 60 seconds from the time their name is called to start the throwing action. Failure to put the shot in this time will result in a foul.


Here are other actions that may result in a foul:

  • The athlete throws the shot below shoulder level.
  • The shot does not maintain continuous contact with the neck.
  • The athlete touches the stop board when putting.
  • The athlete touches the outside of the throwing circle while putting.
  • The shot lands outside of the landing area.
  • The athlete pauses in the throwing circle before putting.
  • The athlete leaves the throwing circle before the shot lands.


The athlete whose shot is put the furthest wins the game.
