OBJECTIVE OF THREES AWAY: Depending on the game, be the player with the lowest or highest score
MATERIALS: Five six sided dice, way to keep score
TYPE OF GAME: Dice game
AUDIENCE: Family, Adults
Threes Away is a simple dice game that can be played two different ways.
In Threes Away High, players are trying to roll the highest score possible each round. At the end of the game, the player with the highest score wins.
In Threes Away Low, players are trying to earn the lowest score possible each round, and the player who has lowest score at the end of the game wins.
As the name of the game suggests, 3’s are special. They are always worth zero points. If you are playing Threes Away High, this makes a 3 the worst roll possible. If you are playing Threes Away Low, this makes a 3 the best roll possible.
To determine which player goes first, everyone should roll all five dice. The player with the highest total goes first. That player then rolls a single die to determine how many rounds will be played. Once the first player and the amount of rounds has been determined, the game may begin.
The first player begins their turn by rolling all five dice. On each roll, players must keep at least one of the dice. Any 3’s must be kept. Of course, players may choose to keep more than one dice if they wish. After placing the chosen dice off to the side, the player then rolls the remaining dice. Play like this continues until there are no longer any dice to roll.
Once a player’s turn is over, the dice are passed clockwise to the next player. The game continues until the predetermined amount of rounds have been completed.
Which dice you choose to keep depends on which version of Threes Away you are playing. If you are playing Threes Away High, 6’s and 5’s are good dice to keep each turn. If you are playing Threes Away Low, 1’s and 2’s are good dice to keep. Of course in Low, Threes are desired as well.
In Threes Away, players earn points equal to the number they rolled with the exception of 3’s. In this game 3’s are always worth zero points.
In Threes Away High, the player with the highest score after the predetermined amount of rounds is the winner.
In Threes Away Low, the player with the lowest score after the predetermined amount of rounds is the winner.
In a game of Threes Away Low. Player one rolls all five dice. They roll a 3,2,6,4,5. First, the player must keep the 3, so they set that aside. They also choose to keep the 2. The player scoops the remaining dice and rolls again.
On the second roll, they get a 6,3,1. They must keep the 3, and they also choose to keep the 1. They roll the single remaining die.
They roll a 6. Since it is the last die, they must keep the six. Their turn would end with a 3,3,1,2,6. This player earned nine points this round (0+0+1+2+6 = 9).
- TRIPLE SNAKES - February 15, 2021