OBJECTIVE OF TORRES: The objective of Torres is to collect more points than any other player over the three-year span of the game.
NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 2 to 4 Players
MATERIALS: 1 Game Board, 8 Master Cards, 3 Phase Cards, 4 Codex Cards, 1 King, 4 Scoring Markers, 24 Knights, 92 Tower Blocks, and Instructions
TYPE OF GAME: Area Control Board Game
AUDIENCE: Ages 12 and Up
Torres is a game that revolves around resource management and strategic pawn movement. Throughout the game, players build castles and attempt to position their knights where they can score the most points. Players must make sure to use their cards efficiently, because they do not have access to anymore. Who will make the best with what they have?
To begin setup, the players will place the game board in the center of the playing area. The players will then choose a color to represent them throughout the game. Once they choose a color, they will collect a score marker and 6 knights that match in color. The scoring markers are placed at the beginning of the scoring track.
Each player will then collect a codex card. Place the correct phase card on the table and place the other two in the box. Everyone will get ten action cards in their assigned color, they will shuffle them, and then place them on the table facing down. The king is positioned beside the game board. The tower blocks are also placed beside the game board, creating the common supply. Eight of the towers are placed on the board in their assigned space.
Starting with the youngest and rotating clockwise around the group, the players will place one of their knights on an unoccupied castle. The last player in the rotation will place the king on an unoccupied castle, establishing it as the king’s castle for that year. It is to be clarified that a knight’s level is equal to the height that it is above the board. The game is ready to begin.
The game takes place over three phases, or years. Player positions are scored at the end of each phase. The first phase will last four rounds, but the other two phases only last for three rounds. During each round, each player will take one turn, rotating clockwise around the group. Before each phase begins, everyone must collect tower blocks from the supply, and the number is determined by the phase card.
The youngest player will begin the game. On their turn, a player has five action points that they may use to complete any action, all of which are explained on the codex cards. Players may choose to add a knight, move a knight, place a tower block, acquire action cards, play an action card, or move along the scoring track. They are allowed to make any combination of moves that they wish as long as they have enough action points to complete the move.
When the phase comes to an end, all players will score their positions. Players receive points for castles with their knights in them, but the score is the same regardless of the knights that they have within the castle. When all castle positions have been scored, the king’s bonus is scored. Every player with a knight in the king’s castle will receive it.
When the scoring has been completed, a new phase begins. Players will collect their designated number of tower blocks as determined by the phase card. The player with the least number of points can then move the king to any unoccupied space of a castle of their choosing. Gameplay continues in this manner for three phases.
The game comes to an end at the end of the third year. The scoring will then begin, and players will tally their own points. The player who collects the most points will win the game.
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