VROOM rules title

OBJECTIVE OF VROOM: Drive an imaginary car by saying “vroom” or “screech” in the correct direction.

NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 4+ players, but the more, the better


TYPE OF GAME: Drinking game



VROOM overview

Although this game may sound juvenile, add some alcohol to the mix, and you’ve got another classic drinking game to play with friends! While simple, Vroom is deceptively confusing – especially with a couple of drinks in your system.


All players sit in a circle hand start up their pretend cars and put their hands on their pretend steering wheels. The first player starts the game by saying, “Vroom” and driving the car either to the right or the left. Depending on which direction the first player turned their car, the next player is the one that sits in the direction the car went. So, for example, if the first player turned their imaginary steering wheel to the right, the person on the right would be the next player.

VROOM gameplay

The second player then has two options:

  1. Continue the direction of play by saying “vroom” and moving the steering wheel in the same direction as the previous player. So, in the same example, the player would say “vroom” and turn their imaginary steering wheel to the right.
  2. Change the direction of play by saying “screech” and moving the steering wheel in the opposite direction as the previous player. So, in the same example, the player would say “screech” and turn their imaginary steering wheel to the left. In this case, the next player would be the previous player once again.

This game is meant to be fast-paced, and it can take a round or two for everyone to get used to how to play Vroom. So, play a practice round first.


Anytime a player messes up during a round, they must take a shot before restarting the game. This includes if a player takes too long to say “vroom” or “screech”.
