OBJECTIVE OF MYTHOS TALES: The objective of Mythos Tales is for the players to answer all the questions successfully without acquiring too many penalties.
NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 1 to 10 Players
MATERIALS: 8 Newspapers, 1 Arkham Directory, 19 Requirement Cards, 1 Investigation Book, 1 Map of Arkham, Markers, 1 Time-tracker, and Instructions
TYPE OF GAME: Storytelling Card Game
AUDIENCE: Ages 13 and Up
Throughout Mythos Tales, the players cooperate together to travel to various locations, led by the Investigation Book. There are no game boards, but only the imaginary land that occurs in the mind and voices of the players. Players cannot continue their investigations forever, like anything good, it must come to an end. In order to win, the players must earn the points that the investigation requires.
Players will choose an investigation to begin with in order to start the setup. They will then flip to that page in the investigation book. The map should then be unfolded and placed in the middle of the playing area, so that everyone is able to see it. The requirement cards are placed in a pile beside the map with the time tracker placed next to them.
The time limit marker is placed on the space that is indicated by the chosen investigation. The progress marker should be removed from the box, as it will move to the first day when the players get to the chosen location. The newspaper that matches the investigation is placed beside the map as well, and any previous newspapers should be referenced as well, as they may hold clues. The first player is randomly chosen by the group, and they are given the investigation book, the ally list, and the directory.
The game is played throughout two phases, the investigation phase and the solution phase. The game comes to an end when the players complete their solution phase. During the investigation phase, the players will follow chosen leads in order to find more information. Each player will complete travel and encounters until the solution phase begins.
During the travel step, the players will decide what location should be visited. The active player can go wherever they choose, regardless of the vote. The players may use any of their resources in order to find new locations. Once the location is chosen, the progress marker is moved along the time tracker. This occurs whenever a location is chosen, regardless of whether or not there is a coordinate or not.
Once the location is chosen and the time tracker is moved, the player will read the encounter depending on the location coordinates. The letter will represent a district, and the number will represent a building. Players need to keep notes, as there are questions that need answered when the investigation comes to an end.
If there are no clues for that location, then nothing will be written in the Investigation book, but if there are clues, they will be read aloud from the Investigation book. The directions must be followed, regardless of how interesting they become. The solution phase will then begin, consisting of the Q and A portion and the scoring portion.
Players will answer various questions regarding their investigation from the Questions section. Questions are typically answered as a group based on majority vote, but the players can do it how they want. The players will then score their answers by comparing them to the Answer section. They will tally penalties, sanity points, and their score. When scoring penalties, the locations that do not have an encounter are not counted when determining the number of penalties that have been accumulated.
The game comes to an end when the solution phase ends if the player has not completed the investigation completely. If the players are unable to score the necessary points, minus the penalty and sanity points, in order to beat the investigation, then they lose the game. They are able to win the game if they score more points than the investigation requires.
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