OBJECTIVE OF SEVENS (Card Game): Be the first player to get rid of all your cards
NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 3 or more players
TYPE OF GAME: Hand shedding
AUDIENCE: Kids, Families
Most people love hand shedding games, because they are so simple to play. Dominos is also quite popular in the gaming community, so why not combine the two into one fun game? That’s exactly what Sevens is, a shedding game with domino style gameplay. Rather than placing cards on a discard pile, you must expand upon a layout of cards in a similar manner to placing dominoes against each other. This is why Sevens is also sometimes called Dominoes, although it is quite a different game than Dominoes. In this article, we’ll go over the rules, tips, and tricks of this awesome card game.

The good thing about Sevens is that, like many card games, it is super simple to play, so you can play with all ages. All you need is three or more players, a deck of cards, and a flat surface. After that, you’re ready to get started.
In Sevens, Aces are high. The rank of the cards is as follows:
- 2 (Low)
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- Jack
- Queen
- King
- Ace (High)
To play Sevens, you need a standard deck of 52 cards with the jokers removed. To decide who will be the dealer, each player should take a card from the deck. The player with the lowest card deals.
The dealer should thoroughly shuffle the cards and dole the entire deck out as evenly as possible. Some players will have more cards than others, which is okay. In order to even this out, you can change dealers for each round so everyone has a round with lower cards.
Now, there are two different ways you can start the Sevens. Some play with the rule that whoever has the seven of diamonds plays first, then play continues clockwise. You can decide this prior to the start of the game.
Alternatively, the person to the left of the dealer starts the game if they have any seven in their hand, and then the play continues clockwise. If they do not have a seven, then the next player, in turn, goes till the first seven is placed in the middle.

Once a player can play a seven, they place it in the center of the table. This is the beginning of a layout. A layout starts with the seven of any suit, and each player builds upon that layout on their turn. They place higher cards in front of the seven and lower cards behind.
For example, let’s say the first player started the game started with the seven of spades. The next player can play either an eight of diamonds and place it in front of the seven. Otherwise, if they have the six of diamonds, they place it behind the seven.
If the next player doesn’t have either of those cards, they have the option to play another seven. This will start a new layout. There will be four layouts during the game, one for each suit.
This will continue with players playing cards onto layouts one at a time. Even if you have several cards you can play, you can only play one on each turn.
If you can play a card on your turn, you have to. Otherwise, if there is no legal move you can make, then you skip your turn by knocking on the table.
The first player to empty their hand wins the game.
Sevens is quite a simple game. As with most simple games, there are variations that you can add to make the game a bit more fun.

In this variation, you add playing for money to make the game more fun. Perhaps you have each player wager a certain amount or have an ante before each game. You can even play so that every time a player knocks, or if they forget to play a card they could have played earlier, they must pay an additional wager.
If you are going to play multiple rounds, you can keep score. In each round, the winner gets a point. Then, you can play up to a certain score. This is better to do with younger players.
Another variation is that once a player empties their hand, all the other players get one more turn. Then, they are given points based on the cards left in their hand. The winner gets zero points, and then everyone else gets points based on the value of the cards left in their hand.
As with any game, even one as simple as sevens, there is some strategy involved. Let’s go over the most basic strategies that could help you during your game.
In Sevens, whenever there is a new layout on the table, the next players have many more options to play their cards. If you have the option of starting a new layout or playing a card on the existing layout, choose the latter. This allows you to get rid of your cards without giving opponents the opportunity to get rid of theirs.
This also kind of goes with the tip above. Holding on to your sevens will hinder your opponents from continuing on a new layout. However, holding on to sixes and eights will do the same. These cards give your opponents the option to play cards in either direction. If you hold on to them till the end, then you should be in good shape to win.
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