10 Best Ice Breaker Drinking Games

Imagine you’re hosting a party or attending one with strangers. Of course, you can go around the room and introduce yourself to everybody, but what’s the fun in that? Instead, try one of these 10 ice breaker drinking games to get everyone socializing and having fun together. Skip that awkward introduction and jump straight into having fun and taking shots together!


Pizza Box is a fun drinking game that is traditionally played on, you guessed it, a pizza box! This is a fun game where you can learn everyone’s names with barely any effort while getting your drinks in.


  • Alcohol
  • Pizza box or any empty cardboard/paper surface
  • Permanent marker
  • Coin


Set up the pizza box on a table in the middle of the group of players. Have everyone take the marker, write their name on the box, and draw a circle around it. Once that’s done, the first player takes the coin and flips it onto the pizza box. There are four scenarios that can happen once the coin lands:

  1. If the coin lands on a person’s name, that named person must take a drink.
  2. If the coin lands on a blank space, the player must draw a circle around the coin and write a task or dare in it. Examples of tasks include: finish your drink, kiss the player on your right, give out 3 shots, and switch shirts with the player on your left.
  3. The player must take a drink if the coin lands outside the box completely.
  4. If the coin lands on a task written by a previous player, the player must complete the task.

Pass the coin to the player on the left, so everyone gets a turn. Eventually, the entire pizza box should be covered with names and tasks. The game ends whenever the players are satisfied and ready to move on to a new game.


Never Have I Ever is a classic drinking game every person will play in one party or another. This classic ice breaker will have you diving into the deep, personal, and intrusive topics before you even learn anyone’s names!


  • Alcohol


All players hold up their hands with all fingers up. The first player says, “Never have I ever…” and complete the sentence with something they have never done. Examples include: skydived, kissed a person of the same sex, used a fake ID successfully, and blacked out (check out more examples here). You can be as intrusive or as vanilla as you feel comfortable! Any player that has done the thing then puts down a finger and takes a drink.

The person on the left then gets a turn to say what they have never done. Whoever manages to put down all 10 fingers must finish their drink or take a predetermined number of sips. Continue play until one player (the winner!) remains.


This edition of Two Truths and a Lie is just as fun as the original, but with the added fun of booze! Get to know everyone playing the game, and their secrets.


  • Alcohol


Everyone sits in a circle, and pick one player to start first. This player introduces themselves with their name and three statements, one of which needs to be a lie. The goal is to prevent the other players from correctly guessing which statement is a lie. Some examples of statements are:

  • My favorite color is blue.
  • I like hiking.
  • I am 25 years old.
  • I met Taylor Swift and did not recognize her.

Once the first player says all three statements, count down from 3, and on 1, every player holds up 1, 2, or 3 fingers, depending on which statement is the lie: the first, second, or third. The player then announces the lie statement to the group. Players who incorrectly guessed the lie must all take sips from their drinks. The player to the left of the first player then introduces themselves with two truths and a lie. Continue playing until everyone has had a turn!


Have you ever played Duck, Duck, Goose as a child? Sip, Sip, Shot is a similar game that adults can play at any party. Simple enough to understand, this game is sure to have everyone laughing and having fun with friends and strangers alike.


  • Alcohol
  • Shot glass


All players sit on the ground in a circle except for one player who is “it.” “It” goes around the circle and taps on everyone’s heads. With each tap, “it” must say “sip.” Every player that gets tapped must sip their drink accordingly. At the player’s choosing, “it” can switch up the words and say “shot” instead of “sip.” The player whose head is tapped when “it” says “shot” must then stand up and chase “it” around the circle with the aim to tap them before they sit down in their spot in the circle. If the chaser does not manage to catch “it” before they sit, the chaser takes a shot and becomes “it.”


Likes and Dislikes is an insanely simple game that even the drunkest of us can play. Get to know everyone at your party and learn everyone’s likes and dislikes while having fun!


  • Alcohol
  • Bowl or hat
  • Pieces of paper
  • Pens


Every player writes 5 likes and 5 dislikes on their piece of paper, folds it up and puts it in the bowl. Mix up the pieces of paper and a designated player takes one out and reads what’s written on the paper. Each player can take turns announcing their likes and dislikes. Once the likes and dislikes are announced, count down from 3, and every player must point at the player they believe wrote the list. The player that actually wrote the list then reveals themselves. Each player that guessed wrong must take a sip. If no player guesses wrong, the player that wrote the list must take a shot. Continue playing until all the slips and read and the players are revealed.


The perfect game to get to know everyone at the party, Most Likely is a huge hit every time it’s played! All you need is a little buzz going and some creativity, and get ready to point fingers at who’s most likely to do what!


  • Alcohol
  • Creativity


All players sit in a circle, and the first player asks a question starting with “who is most likely to.” For example, “who is most likely to black out tonight?” or “who is most likely to win a game of beer pong?” At the count of three, every player points at the player who they believe is most likely to what was mentioned. Each player takes a sip for every finger pointed at them. Continue to play until everyone is sufficiently drunk!


A Plus B is a fun, daring way to get to know everyone in the circle. It’s a game that will keep you on your toes and hoping you get (or don’t get) picked as A or B! Although alcohol is not a part of this game, it will definitely require some level of tipsiness to play in the first place.


  • Alcohol


Everyone sits in a circle, and one person is chosen to close their eyes. Then the person to the right selects another player to be A, and then the person on the left must choose someone to be B, loudly stating the letter as they point, so there is no confusion for the rest of the group. They can even point at themselves or the player closing their eyes. The player with their eyes closed then opens their eyes and decides:

  • What A must do to B
  • What B must do to A
  • What A and B must do together

For example, A must kiss B, B must do a shoe-y out of A’s shoe, or A and B must both finish their drinks. A and B must then announce themselves and do the given commandment! If A or B is the player that has closed their eyes, the players must let them know who they are. Continue play to the left.


Assumptions is a game best played if you don’t know anyone in the group very well. But by the end of the game, you will know so much more about everyone than you will have ever unearthed from a simple conversation!


  • Alcohol


Everyone sits in a circle, and the first player points at a random player and makes an assumption about them. Examples are assumptions are:

  • I assume you get drunk after 4 beers.
  • I assume you have hooked up with someone in this room before.
  • I assume you have posted a dancing video on TikTok.
  • I assume you’re the oldest sibling.

Once the assumption is made, the second player must then confirm or deny the assumption. If the assumption is correct, the second player must take a sip. And if the assumption is incorrect, the first player must take a sip. Continue playing to the left, and the next player makes an assumption about another random player.


Attached At The Hip will literally bring everyone in the group closer. As simple as this game is, it is plenty of fun – especially if you’ve already got a few drinks in your system!


  • Alcohol
  • Pens
  • Slips of paper
  • Bowl or hat


Before the game begins, write a list of 5 to 10 simple tasks pairs of people can do together or to each other. An example of a task is touching each other’s toes.

Divide the group into pairs. Every pair then writes a random body part (i.e. elbow, tummy, nose, thigh, fourth toe) on a slip of paper, folds it, and puts it into the bowl. Mix the slips of paper, and each pair must take a slip and announce it to the group. Each pair must stay attached to each other at the body part they picked. For example, if they chose “elbow,” their elbows must be touching at all times! This game gets trickier depending on the body part picked.

With the designated body parts touching, each pair must complete the tasks one by one. If a pair cannot complete the task or becomes unattached from their partner, they are out and must finish their drink. The remaining pairs move on to the next task.

The last pair standing with their designated body part still touching wins the game!


Who Am I is a fun drinking game where you’ll be forced to ask questions to guess who is stuck on your forehead. Just make sure all people and characters are well-known, so everyone has a chance to guess!


  • Alcohol
  • Pens
  • Post-it notes or slips of paper and tape


Every player sits in a circle and writes a famous celebrity or fictional person on a post-it note. Each player then sticks the post-it note to the person on their left.

A random player starts the game by asking a yes or no question, with the aim of guessing the person or character on their forehead. Examples of questions include:

  • Am I a woman?
  • Am I in a TV show?
  • Am I a fictional character?

If the rest of the group answers yes, the player can ask another question. If the rest of the group answers no, the player must take a drink. Then the person to the left must attempt to guess their person or character by asking a question as well. Everyone in the group gets to ask questions one by one. At their turn, if a player believes they know who they are, they can guess their person or character. If it’s incorrect, they must take a sip and lose their turn. Continue to play until everyone guesses who they are! Each time a person wins by guessing their character, they may give one shot out to a person in the group.

Looking for other great ice breaker games? Why not try these 50+ Minute to Win It games?
