Math games for kids are a wonderful way to make mathematics a more approachable subject, allowing participants to become much more comfortable with the idea of doing math! These math games can be played with a variety of age groups, from 1st and 2nd grade to adults, and they are perfect for boosting engagement and making learning more fun, regardless of the place, whether it be at home or in a classroom. Take Math Baseball for an example; it is the perfect game to play during a rainy day.
Typically, when kids think of math content, they picture flashcards and worksheets. Math does not have to be dull! These games will have kids begging to build their problem-solving skills. Don’t worry adults, you will have chances to test your skills too. In 2022, it can be hard to get out and come up with games for kids, so all the work is done for you on the site! Please take the time to see what these games are all about!
1. Math Baseball

Math Baseball is a great game to play indoors on a rainy, dreary day. Test math skills, develop problem solving, and develop strategy as the game progresses! This game incorporates sports, competition, and learning into one fun-filled, action-packed game!
It is an easy game to throw together at home, considering all that is needed are two dice, paper, and pencil. With little to no prep work, this game can have your kids practicing math without even thinking about it. Test addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, depending on comfort level with the subject.
2. Parking Lot Cars Game

Is your little one interested in playing with toy cars, but they turn their nose up at practicing things for school, like math? Try out the Parking Lot Cars Game to spark their interest in both! It is amazing what a little at-home innovation can do for a little one’s mind.
With this game, all that is required is tape, a timer, a marker, and toy cars. You read that right, everyone gets to play with toys AND practice their math skills while playing!
Each “parking space” will have a math equation above it. During their turn, the player will place the number of cars equal to the equation answer inside the parking space. You are able to use addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division, allowing any age to put their skills to the test, whether it be 1st grade or 5th or 6th grade math.
3. Subtraction Smash

Subtraction Smash is a perfect game to play when you find it to be a windy day when everyone one of the outdoor games would be a challenge. If the kids of the house love play dough, but they tend to make a mess, then this game will help keep things under control.
Subtraction Smash will have kids doing math before they even realize it. This takes very little preparation on your part, and the kids are able to play without being monitored. A plastic tray or a tabletop can be used so that cleanup is also quick and easy.
Don’t plan on cleaning up soon though, because this game will keep their attention for awhile!
4. Math Hopscotch

Math Hopscotch is a wonderful game to get the kids outside playing, all while practicing their math skills! A perfect game for any age group, Math Hopscotch can be played for as long as the kids want, and once a player makes it through all nine numbers, they win.
This game seems easy, but if one mistake is made, then the player must begin a new turn after the other players. This game is perfect for practicing any form of math, but it works great with addition and subtraction.
Simply draw a calculator on the ground, have the player toss a stone to a number, and then have them make an equation. To make an equation, they must jump on the numbers, with each number representing a click on the calculator.
The first equation must equal one, the second two, and so on so forth. If the player reaches nine, then they are the winner! If they make a mistake, they have to start over on their next turn.
5. Nerf Gun Math

Nerf Gun Math is a game that gets every kid up and moving, keeps them active, and keeps them from getting mad at one another for shooting at them. They can practice their aim and math all at the same time!
During their turn, each player will shoot the cans that have problems on them that they can answer correctly. Immediately after shooting them, the player must answer the question. Once answered and confirmed, they can move to their next choice!
If a player misses or answers incorrectly, their turn immediately ends. The next player can then begin their turn by shooting their first choice can. Based on player skill, you may make the problems more complex for more advanced player.
6. Jellybean Jumbles

Jellybean Jumbles includes math, fun, and tasty treats, all wrapped up into one game. That’s right, math and fun in the same game! As another “throw together” game, this one requires little setup on the adult’s part.
On the menu, the prices for each color of jellybean will be written for the players to refer to throughout the course of the game. The players, acting as customers, will fill their bags with jellybeans, attempting to create as many combinations as possible.
This game allows players to use addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, or a combination of all four to create their shopping bags. Practice math skills, eat good candies, and enjoy each other’s company! Who can create the highest number of combinations in your family?
7. Stomp It! Place Value Game

Stomp It! is an interactive game that allows children to practice their place value math skills. This will quickly prepare them for rounding and learning their decimal places, as many of the ideas mirror each other closely.
If your child is creative, it is also a fun relationship building exercise to allow them to help you setup the game. After all, all you need is tape, paper, and markers to get this game going! The paper is cut into the shape of feet, hence the name.
You get to compete with your own child during this game, so the competitiveness in the household really comes out. The loser may have to sweep or do the dishes, the ball is totally in your court for the reward. Only play Stomp It! if you are ready to have friendly, mathematical competition with your child.
8. Lego Fraction Game

We all know what Legos feel like when you step on them! Those painful little toys will have you wishing you never bought them in the first place. On the other hand, though, what if I told you that you could use them for educational purposes, not just aggravation? Would that change your mind on them, even just a little bit?
In the Lego Fraction Game, your children can practice their fractions using these pesky little toys. As you come up with fractions, your child must bring those fractions to life using the Legos. For the fraction 4/5, they may place four red Legos with one blue Lego, creating four red out of five total.
If your child is struggling with their fractions, give this game a try! You would be amazed by how much progress can be made with such a simple game.
9. Egg Carton Shake Up!

Egg Carton Shake Up allows you to use items found in your house, even your trash! All you need is an egg carton, some dice or coins, a marker, and a scoresheet. This game is a wonderful tool for practicing multiplication tables with your child.
Label each of the parts of the egg carton, one through twelve, and throw a die inside. Have your child shake the carton as much as they want! This part you may find to be a little loud, but don’t worry, you don’t have to play if you don’t want to.
After shaking it, the player must open it and answer the multiplication puzzles as quickly as possible. They have to multiply the number found in the egg carton by the number found on the die. Sometimes these are simple, and sometimes they are more complex.
To spice it up, add in a second die. To make it simpler, only use a coin or two at the beginning. The coin method works well for younger players!
10. Connect Four-Fraction Game

Connect Four is a family friendly game that is found in many households. If you want to spice it up, and make it educational for the kids, just sit back, relax, and see what happens! On the connect four tokens, write simple fractions, such as 1/3, ¼, or 1/5 on masking tape.
This will make the game more difficult for all players, but it also allows the younger players to establish and build their understanding of fractions. Depending on your child’s learning goals, the game can be made more or less complicated. This is one of those math games that is perfect for practicing geometry and proportions.
If the player is using thirds, then they must only line up three game pieces, but if they are using quarters then they must line up four game pieces. If another player finishes their line before them, then that player scores the points. A fraction of a game can make all the difference!
All of these math games will help to make mathematics a more approachable subject for everyone at home, especially your student. Although mathematics can seem challenging, adding your own creative, fun twists can really take the edge off!
Enjoy these games, work those brains, and math away!
- 35 BABY SHOWER GAMES - September 3, 2022