No cards? No worries! If you want to play some drinking games with your friends, you can have just as much fun without a deck of cards. In fact, with these games, pretty much all you need will be the alcohol you’ll be drinking all night! Ranging from some classic drinking games like Never Have I Ever to more obscure ones like Vroom, these 10 drinking games are sure to get all your friends laughing and having fun. What better way to get drunk than to play a hilarious drinking game?
So without further ado, here are the 10 best drinking games to play without cards. And as a side note: since these games don’t require much in terms of materials, you can even play these at a bar if you want!

The best drinking game to get the night started is Taboo Drinking Game. This is a game that you play throughout the night, so make sure you keep the rules in mind! Taboo Drinking Game can get you drunk pretty quickly.
- Alcohol
Simply pick a word that no one can say throughout the duration of the party. Pick a word that is easy and is used often. Examples of taboo words include:
- You
- Me
- What
- Why
- Drink
- Beer
- Someone’s name at the party
The chosen word is now banned, and no player may say that word. Any time a player says the taboo word, they must take a drink.

Most Likely is a drinking game that also works as a great ice breaker to get to know everyone in the group. However, even if all of you are super close friends, this game will get you and your friends belly-laughing in minutes!
- Alcohol of your choosing
One player asks a question starting with, “Who is most likely to…” Examples of such questions include:
- Who is most likely to get drunkest tonight?
- Who is most likely to have the worst hangover tomorrow?
- Who is most likely to hook up with a stranger?
- Who is most likely to do karaoke?
- Who is most likely to go home early?
- Who is most likely to fail their driving test?
- Who is most likely to spill their drink?
After the question is asked, count to 3. At 3, every player must then point to the person the question applies to the most. Each person takes as many sips as there are fingers pointed at them. For example, if five people are pointing at you, you must take five sips of your drink.
Each player gets a turn to ask a “most likely” question.

Of course, one of the first drinking games to come to mind when talking about drinking games to play without cards is none other than Never Have I Ever. This is a classic drinking game that has been played for decades! Get to know your friends on a deeper level as you slowly find out which of your friends has done the craziest things!
- Alcohol
All players must hold their hands up with all fingers up. You can play this game with either 5 or 10 fingers – totally up to you! The first player then says something they have never done, starting with the phrase “never have I ever”. Examples include:
- Never have I ever pooped in a public toilet.
- Never have I ever vomited on the street.
- Never have I ever successfully used a fake ID.
- Never have I ever gone to Europe.
The possibilities are endless! Here’s our list of 250+ Never Have I Ever questions if you’d like more ideas.
Every person who has done the thing the first player has not done must put a finger down and take a drink.
The game moves to the person on the left, who now gets a turn to say something they have never done. And so on. The first player to put down all 5 or 10 fingers must finish their drink or take a shot! Continue playing until only one person is left – the winner!

This game is exactly what you think it is. Drink While You Think involves both drinking and thinking. So, you better make sure your brain works fast enough so you don’t get wasted by the end of this game!
- Alcohol
To begin, pick a category. This can be anything from celebrities, movies, singers, fast food, or countries. The first player then says something that belongs in that category. And then the second person must say something else that belongs in that category, and then the third player… Each player must make sure not to repeat anything that has already been said. But here’s the catch: as the game’s name implies, you must drink while thinking of what to say! So, as soon as it becomes your turn to say something, you much begin drinking. Once you have thought of something to say, you can stop drinking and blurt it out.
Keep listing things in the category until someone messes up by:
- repeating something that has been said before, or
- failing to name anything.
The player that messed up must take a shot and start a new category.

Ready to get paranoid? Well, we’ve got just the game for you. Paranoia is a fun drinking game that is both spicy and daring. Make sure everyone’s got thick skin before you play!
- Alcohol
The first player whispers a question about the group to the player on their left. Examples of questions include:
- Who do you think has the worst haircut?
- Who has the best style?
- Who would you never live with?
- Who are you least likely to call during a crisis?
The player who was asked the question then points to a player. The player who was pointed to must then decide whether they want to know what the question was or not. If they want to know the question, they must drink. The player who was asked the question (and did the pointing) must either respond with the question or take a shot to avoid answering. Scandalous! Continue play by having the person that pointed ask a question to the person on their left.

No, we aren’t talking about a variation of blackjack without cards. While this game may sound simple in theory, in practice, it’s pretty tricky – especially if you put alcohol into the mix! Also called Cheers to the Governor, 21 is a classic drinking game (and a non-drinking game, too) that you can play in pretty much any setting.
- Alcohol
The game starts off easy. Each player should sit or stand in a circle, and the players must simply count from 1 to 21. The person who says 21 takes a drink and makes a rule. Each time you reach 21, a new rule is added on, making this game more and more complicated.
Here are some examples of rules:
- Switch 7 and 11
- The number 3 is illegal
- At number 15, make an animal noise
- Skip number 19
- Scream the number as loud as you can every time its a multiple of 4
- Whisper every other number in someone’s ear
Any time someone messes up, they must take a shot, and the round restarts from 1 (with the same rules).

Ready for a laugh? Play Straight Face with your friends and prepare to hear and write the most ridiculous things. This is the best game to play when you want to lighten the mood.
- Alcohol
- Paper
- Pens
- Hat/Bowl
Onto a slip of paper, each player must write a sentence they think other players will find incredibly funny or inappropriate. Throw all of the slips of paper into a bowl or hat. Taking turns, each player must take a slip of paper out of the pile and read it out loud. If they smile or laugh, the player must take a drink. However, if they manage to keep a straight face, the writer of the slip takes a drink. Or, if you want to ramp it up a notch, punish them by getting them to take a shot instead!

If you’re looking for a game that will turn the party wild, try Strip Tease! This game can turn pretty interesting quickly, so make sure you’re ready to commit to this. Strip Tease is probably best played with a couple of drinks already under your belt.
- Alcohol
- 2 dice
Players must sit in a circle and take turns rolling 2 dice. If a player rolls an even number, the player must take a drink or a shot. If the roll is odd, the player must remove one piece of clothing. Then the player to the left rolls the dice.
There are a few extra rules when it comes to rolling doubles.
- Double of 1: The player can choose to take a drink/shot or strip a piece of clothing,
- Double of 2: The player on the right must take a drink/shot.
- Double of 3: The player can skip a turn and does not need to take a drink/shot or strip.
- Double of 4: The player can ask a truth or dare to anyone in the game.
- Double of 5: The player can put back a piece of clothing that has been removed previously.
- Double of 6: The player must kiss the person on the right.
The game ends when someone runs out of clothes to strip. Another exhilarating dice drinking game that we love is Liar’s Dice!

You may have played Vroom once upon a time without alcohol, but this game can be played as a drinking game as well! While a simple game in theory, it’s easier to mess up than you think – especially with some alcohol in your system.
- Alcohol
All players must sit in a circle and start their pretend cars and have their hands on the wheel. A chosen player starts the game by saying “Vroom” and turning the wheel to the right or left. If the player turns the wheel to the right, the play moves to the right. And vice versa. Depending on which direction the wheel went, the next person must either:
- Continue by saying “vroom” and moving the wheel in the same direction as the player before.
- Change directions by saying “screech” and turning the imaginary wheel in the opposite direction.
If the direction is reversed, the previous player must continue the game by either saying “vroom” (continuing the direction, which in this case, is the new direction) or “screech” (changing the direction again!).
Anytime a player messes up, they must take a shot before restarting the game.

Fuzzy Duck is a drinking game that is similar to Vroom. Another simple game that is super easy to mess up, this one will be a party favorite. Who knew saying “fuzzy duck” could be so difficult and confusing?
- Alcohol
To start, all players must sit in a circle. The first player begins the game by either saying “fuzzy duck” or “ducky fuzz”. Then, the second player can:
- Repeat what the first player said, in which case the play continues to the next person in the same direction.
- Say, “does he?”, in which case the play reverses direction, and the next person must say, “ducky fuzz”.
In other words, every time a player says, “Does he?”, both the direction and the phrase change.
Any time a player messes up (and believe me, it’ll happen A LOT), they must take a drink or a shot.
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